This week I am choosing to share my thoughts about time management. Time is a tricky thing. It can be the enemy, or it can be your friend. You can use it wisely as well as unwisely. Can you really do such a thing as save time though? Some great minds will in fact argue that time is not even real, but a man made tool to measure the passing of perception which of course is not even linear. So what do we do when time runs out?
I think time is a fluid like substance. It is illusive to be sure. But my time is the most important thing in the world to me next to my family. I have gone through so many phases of my, different "times" as you might say. The older I get, the more time seems to pass quickly. Time is precious gift.
I am an anxious person and I find that I make lots of lists, plans and goals. I am obsessed with organization and ease of function. I spent most of my adult life working as a store manager. At home I am a mother and wife that also keeps the operations running. Part of being a good manager is to delegate tasks and using the strengths you have that your team offers.
One of my tools to keep things moving along is to plan ahead. Life is a series of choices, like a game of chess. It helps tremendously if you are strategically planning your moves ahead of time. Anticipate your obstacles. Make contingency plans. Plan your exit strategy. I have a notebook to keep track of events, finances, important dates to record and plan things with. I sometimes even use technology to keep it all organized, and portable.
I plan ahead for the month usually for meals, finances, and chores. I make charts and lists and assign a household action planning list. This helps to take away my stress of feeling like it is all on my shoulders to take care of. This helps to teach my kiddo responsibility and life skills as well as earn her allowance by being paid per task. We all know ahead of time what days we are expected to do our part. I make shopping list for the month, use coupons and sales to keep it all affordable and on hand. I pay bills once a month or auto pay online so I am not distracted daily or weekly with these details. I put money on a prepaid gas card once a month to take care of fuel needs. We gather up projects and items the night before for what will be needed the next day so we won't feel rushed in the mornings.
One of my tools that I use to keep things on track is my smart phone. This is a tool that not everyone at my age has figured out how to fully take advantage of. I learn constantly from my younger peers and my teenager, as well as my husband who is in the information technology field how to utilize this great tool. I have google calendar that keeps track of not just my schedule with school, but doctors appointments for myself and my family. I have google products to manage nearly everything. Alarms set for everything. This makes it easy for me to anticipate what obstacles I may face, to plan a better plan. Not planning enough time for projects in college is such an embarrassing waste of time. Real life is not very forgiving in that aspect period.
I use motivational memes in my life. The photo above is a picture I took of a postcard I bought 18 years ago. I keep it posted to remind me that sitting around waiting for life to happen is an embarrassing waste of time. I try to spend time wisely working on things that I can control like homework and life planning. I try to spend time on my self care, like getting a massage, retail therapy, vacations etc. I also try to remember to spend some of my time in helping others. Nothing feels better than giving to those who need you. Even if you only have a smile to share or give away, it can make a world of difference to someone!