Rama and Sita Hit a Snag
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Sita image found www.youtube.com Full video for the image found on Sri Rama Rajyam movie scenes | Seeta Angry at Lava Kusa | Balakrishna | Nayantara |
The aromatic smell of sandalwood and sage wafted in the air lightly mingling with the soothing sounds of the water fountain complementing the therapeutic setting of Dr. Laura's Beverly Hills home office. With all the exotic plants and art in the quixotically decorated home showcasing the to- die- for weather of sunny southern California, Rama was glad they chose to travel here for the session. A fresh bit of scenery and a change of pace might just be what the doctor ordered!
Rama felt that sitting on the therapist's couch was like sitting on a cozy cloud. This was in stark contrast to the amount of emotional discomfort that was heavily weighing in the room, coming from Sita. While Rama was feeling optimistic, Sita was full of inner rage. Sita felt that things were bad enough when they young newlyweds, and Sita was kidnapped and held captive, but the lack of compassion that Rama had for Sita when she came home was crushing.
Dr. Laura thought it would make a good starting point to talk about how this made Rama and Sita feel. "Okay, Sita, you start first. Let's start with what is bothering you."
Dr. Laura thought it would make a good starting point to talk about how this made Rama and Sita feel. "Okay, Sita, you start first. Let's start with what is bothering you."
"Rama, it really hurts me when you lack faith in me to be faithful to you, because my faith in you is all I had to get me through this whole long mess!" Sita said in a short hurtful tone.
"Sita, my love. It hurts me that you don't understand the kind of position that your public drama has put me in. It is hard to make everyone happy all the time. This is why I like pets. They don't complain when you have to make choices," Rama grumbled.
It was hard to tell Sita even then that his faith and love in her is what drove him to accomplish all the great feats he had to undergo to get her back. The irony of the situation was what had caused his drinking problem, the sleepless nights.
"Sita is the most beautiful woman in the world, how is it possible that Ravana...oh," Rama winced.
"Sita is the most beautiful woman in the world, how is it possible that Ravana...oh," Rama winced.
"By the fires of Agni, Rama! You don't think I know you have a job to do? Pfftt. I may have been born at night, but I was not born last night! I just needed you to believe in me, and it felt as if you had lost faith and trust in me, and that hurt more than anything." Sita huffed and pouted her plump lips.
The blond American therapist looked up from her tablet where she was playing Sudoku while she was listening to the divine couple get their jabs in. She looked at them both with scrutiny on her face, silently judging them and giving them good odds at staying together long term. The Sudoku helped the doctor keep her logic skills in tip-top condition. She gave them good odds of staying together because of their body language. They still oriented themselves towards each other. And of course, because they found their way here, to get help.
"So, Sita, can you forgive Rama for this lack of emotion? Do you think you can move past this?" the therapist asked.
"Oh, yes. I can forgive him for his loyalty to his duty as a king and of caring for the correct action of office. No, I don't forgive his lack of showing emotions. But the worst part you have not even heard yet!"
Rama sat with his head down in shame, because his wife was right. How could he forgive himself for what he had put her through?
Author's Note: In the original story Rama and Sita are avatars of Vishnu and Lakshmi. Their love is eternal. Somehow eternal is not without struggles. Life after life they have struggles that humans can relate to like in this instance where Rama and Sita had to overcome being exiled from their home, then separated from each other and now the obstacle of still having to be separated because of Rama's duty as a king. Their love is tested to the point of insanity.
I chose this story to rewrite because it is the start of when a bad situation just got worse instead of ending happily ever after for Rama and Sita. As the reader of the storyline, it's a jolt because the divine couple incarnate are reunited and the obstacles have been overcome! But it is really not, because as we learn here in this chapter it would be socially unacceptable for Rama to be with Sita. Rama is in no position to rock the boat that he just got into politically. This is probably where the therapist would like to start to focus on broken trust. The Blondie song "Heart of Glass" echoes in my mind as theme music for this episode in their marriage.
I chose not to give the resolution at the end of the story like in the original. Also, I want to add another story that will bring more of Rama and Sita to another counseling session where they talk about the ordeal by fire and the children. The cliffhanger is on purpose, so tune in next week to find out what happens next!
The image I chose to represent Sita as being heartbroken, more human and not so removed from emotion that many other images may portray. This image is from a television soap opera in India about Rama and Sita.
Here is the link to the song if you are curious: Blondie - Heart Of Glass.
Link to the original story PDE Ramayana: Sita and Rama
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the thought of this story. When I was reading the final session for Ramayana I was thinking the exact same thing. Why is Rama being such a $#%# after so long? Sita not only had to endure nightly torments, but now much set herself ablaze? Not much of a positive marriage going on here from what I could tell either. So them ending up in the therapist office? Comic gold! Playing Soduko! LOVE!
I wonder what would have happened if we had more of a break through though. I didn’t really see that "ah ha" moment where we had a turning point in the story. There didn’t seem to be a resolution, just leaving the story at only getting worse. Perhaps Rama could have shown a dramatic gesture to calm Sita. Perhaps Dr. Laura could give them the no bones about it response of what they mean to each other and the world and they need to shut up and deal with it. Or perhaps she invites Dr Ruth into the room as obviously they are having issues in the way of marital bliss...
I did want to speak on the layout a little bit. The text size is too small. I did have to strain to be able to read it. And the font at this size makes the story really hard to read as well. Perhaps use this font in higher sizes and it will be easier on the eyes.
There wasn’t a lot of information about the picture or where to find more information about it. It would be good to include a better caption with a link to the original picture. If it is from YouTube could you insert the entire video? Finally the link at the bottom of the page isn’t covering the whole word of Myths. It’s a small thing but it is something that glares at the reader.
Thank you so much for your comments. They are really helpful and I like your observations. I have changed the font size, and I will look into the link and the image ideas. Also, in the original there was kind of a cliff hanger, and I hope to write another story that will be a resolution to their counseling session. I like your suggestions for what could come next, it has helped me to come up with good ideas.
DeleteLaDawn, I really liked how you opened the scene for this story. The description was very detailed and bourgeois sounding which fits the couple seeing as they are royal. Setting them in therapy was a fun spin and made me think of the movie “How to Lose a Guy in 10 days” where they are in couples counseling. There were a few grammar errors here and there but it didn’t really distract me from the story line. I wonder how the rest of the therapy session would have gone. Especially with the cliff hanger you left us with. Would they have worked through their issues or would the disinterested therapist have done no good for their relationship? She seemed not only bored with their conversation but she spoke as if she were pandering them. As far as format, I had a somewhat difficult time reading the font because it was so bold and skinny. You broke up the paragraphs nicely though and the citation and links looked good too. Overall, the story was interesting and entertaining. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. I am sorry you had to struggle to read the story with the tiny font. I have fixed it I hope. I am glad the story came across as funny as that was my goal.
DeleteI enjoyed reading your story. Your font is very interesting I have never seen it before. I didn't have a problem reading it so thank you for making the size larger. I really enjoyed that you posted a video instead of just an image. It made your post even more unique. Overall, good job!
ReplyDeleteFirst I have to tell you that I really like the way your blog is set up. The white background with the teal writing is refreshing and clean - it makes the blog and all of your stories really easy and appealing to read.
I very much enjoyed reading your story, I think your writing is very descriptive and imaginative and it makes the story easy to read and follow along with.
(project feedback)
ReplyDeleteLa Dawn,
I really enjoyed reading your story. the font you used to write your story made it a really easy read! It was very nice yo have a different spin on the life events of Rama and Sita. During the weekly readings you never really see any emotions from Sita. Of course, she was heart broken but she doesn't say much. She just does as she is told. In your reading I like how you made Sita a little spunky. I thought you did a great job with the author's note. It gave the reader insight on real couple problems. Just because they were finally together, that doesn't mean the union was going to be a happy one. I wonder what if Sita decided to to forgive Rama? What if she did not want to take him back? Even worse, what if she did have feelings for Ravana? That would have definitely put a twist on the ending! I like the way you left the ending. It makes the reader want to tune in for the next episode. Great job!
I love your opening paragraph! First, sandalwood reminds me of my mother, so you get big points there. Second, you used the word "quixotic". That's such a fantastic word! Third, all of the details really set the mood of the environment. I like how it sharply contrasts the tension that exists between Sita and Rama.
ReplyDeleteYou also get big points for calling our Rama's ridiculous expectations of Sita. I love stories where his flaws are exposed because the Ramayana only presents him as a valiant, virtuous warrior.
Looking at the form of the story, you did an excellent job breaking it up into manageable chunks. Doing this to the author's note as well is easily forgotten, so I was glad to see that you had already done it! Your author's note also did an excellent job explaining the background of Rama and Sita as presented in the Ramayana. This was a much needed refresher after having not read the Ramayana for a few weeks.
You might consider adding that portion of your author's note to the beginning of your story. That way we have the refresher before we dig into your story. It would also be beneficial to anyone who hasn't read the Ramayana.
Overall, the story was great! I liked the idea of sending Rama and Sita to a therapist and you did such an excellent job describing the environment. Now I want to go burn some sandalwood incense!
What caught my attention right off the bat was the use of photos. I like the fact you used actual photos to convey characters and setting. It really gives it a realistic approach that I know I’m severely lacking in my own. I also enjoyed the fact that you wrote about Sita Sings the Blues (as did I!) I loved the tragic story just as much as I loved The Ramayana.
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed the concept of a therapy session for Rama and Sita, as I see that if it was to be a real life situation they would either A) need the counseling or B) not to be together at all. Since, in the story their love causes them to forgive even the most unbearable actions it makes sense you would choose counseling. I also enjoyed the setup of the story, you put the perfect picture of a therapists office in my mind and that takes talent and a understanding of building a setting. Great job! I hope I get to read more in the future.
LaDawn, I really enjoyed your story. It was humorous and engaging, and I am definitely ready to tune into to your other stories about Rama and Sita. I think it was and appropriate choice for you retell their story in a therapist's office (I love how you incorporate Laura as the doctor!). I was fascinated by the idea that divine couples still had relationship woes. I mean Rama and Sita's relationship was never the same the moment he went into exile, so they would have definitely needed a third person's perspective to help them through their problems.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that you added a cliffhanger because it keeps me engaged as a reader. The font choice you have works well to keep a nice flow. In addition, the way you have the paragraphs separated is visually appealing and makes sense overall. With each new paragraph there was either someone's dialogue, a character description, or a description on an event.
I look forward to reading what happens to Rama and Sita. Hopefully they have a happier ending than they did in the Ramayana.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, you did an amazing job of setting the scene with the first paragraph. You used great descriptive words and details of the scene that really helped me picture exactly how you wanted to set the story up. I’m glad you decided to get Rama and Sita some couple counseling because we all know they need it. I even wrote one of my storytelling posts with them getting therapy and my storybook is talking about that as well!! We know they need to sort through their problems because I for one was definitely not happy with Rama’s treatment of Sita. The bit of comic relief you included, with the therapist playing Sudoku on her phone and giving them judgmental looks, was absolutely hilarious! Overall, it was a great story to read. I feel like they would need a few more sessions of therapy to work things out haha!
Hi La Dawn! I'm from the Myth and Folklore class and I was really interested in reading your story! First of all, your story was so descriptive and it made it so interesting to read! I felt like I was actually sitting on the couch with them, smelling the aroma and seeing everything through the character's eyes! It was also interesting that the setting was at couple's counseling. It made for a very interesting story! I definitely laughed when I read that Dr. Laura was just playing Sudoku. It was a twist in the story that I wasn't expecting! I think it would be interesting if you added what happened to Rama and Sitka after therapy. Does it actually help? Do they stay together or decide that they would do better going their separate ways? I think it'd be cool to know what happens in the end! I loved your story overall and I'm really glad I was able to read it! Good luck with the rest of the class!
ReplyDeleteLaDawn, I am seriously never disappointed with your stories. I find myself coming back to your blog page every week. This story was really great. The imagery you used at the beginning to set the stage for the therapy session was perfect. I could literally picture Rama and Sita sitting in that Beverly Hills office. I also loved how comical you made this story. Great job!
ReplyDeleteHi LaDawn,
Congrats on getting the nomination for one of the best portfolio’s and congrats on completing this class. I was one of your classmates that nominated you because of how great your stories have been. One of my favorite parts of each one of you stories is the photo’s you choose. They are so great and very creative and always seem to fit the story perfectly. Besides that part of your stories, I have enjoyed your creativity. Every story I have read by you seems like they just always keep getting better. The best part of your stories is the dialogue that you incorporate. I have thought that you also put a unique twist on your dialogue. I enjoyed this story a lot because of the dialogue you put in your story. It made the story very exciting and made the story clear when I was reading about it. Great job.